Показване на единствения резултат

Силициева тъкан

Silica fabric is a high-performance material primarily composed of high-purity silica fibers. Known for its exceptional thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties, silica fabric is extensively used in various industries requiring robust insulation and durability.

  • Outstanding thermal resistance
  • Excellent insulation properties
  • Висока механична якост и издръжливост
  • Resistant to chemical and environmental damage

  • Издържа на екстремни температури
  • Гъвкав и лек
  • Предлагат се различни дебелини
  • Икономичен и надежден

Silica fabric ability to endure temperatures exceeding 1000°C, along with its flexibility and durability, makes it ideal for demanding applications in the aerospace, shipbuilding, wind power generation, oil exploration, sports equipment, fire safety, and electronic insulation industries.